The Beginning


I have been going to the World Pastry Forum since I began serious considering baking as more than a hobby.  Being in a kitchen making dessert is not a job to me but something that I enjoy immensely.

I began this journey in 2007 when I enrolled at the Culinary Academy in Syosset, NY.  There I met my first mentor, Chef Mary Sydor, and was exposed to the world of all things baking and the World Pastry Forum.

I have attended the World Pastry Forum every year since I began.  Having the desire but not actively being a part of the industry , on a daily basis,  I find the Forum an avenue to energize me and keep my mind on the potential that is in the industry.  This will be a combination of thoughts and photos.  Enjoy

Here are some pictures of the chefs that I had the honor of studying under during the 2012 World Pastry forum.